Making more glamorous graphs in ggplot2

How to make glamorous graphics in ggplot2 inspired by William R. Chase.

Marcin Kierczak

4 minute read

R Markdown

Inspired by William R. Chase’s rstudio::rconf2020 lecture “The Glamour of Graphics”, I have decided to enchance my old plot. The plot, I am showing every year to motivate my students to learn R. The plot shows how the number of R packages available in various repositories increases over years.

From William’s excellent lecture I have learnt to:

  1. Left-align titles.
  2. Use non-white backgrounds.
  3. Skip axis labels if not necessary.
  4. Use as few grid lines as possible.
  5. Try to capture the legend in the title.

and many other things, I will not implement here, e.g. to use professional fonts.


I have used the following libraries in this project:


I have also started using excellent renv package, and my renv.lock file for this project is available here. Let’s be reproducible once and forever!


I have an ugly and dirty function that scrapes CRAN, R-Forge, Bioconductor and, recently, also GitHub pages to retrieve the number of R packages (a bit problematic in the case of GitHub, but hopefully a good proxy). The function is ugly, I repeat the code that I should encapsulate in a function and parametrize. Well, no one is perfect.

interrogate_repos <- function() {
  # Interrogate CRAN
  cran_con <- curl::curl(url = '')
  cran <- paste0(readLines(con = cran_con, n = 20), collapse = '')
  cran_pkgs <- stringr::str_match(cran, 'repository features ([0-9]{1,}) available packages')[2]
  # Interrogate R-Forge
  rforge_con <- curl::curl(url = '')
  rforge <- paste0(readLines(con = rforge_con, n = 200), collapse = '')
  rforge_pkgs <- stringr::str_replace(stringr::str_match(rforge, 'Projects: <strong>([0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,})</strong>')[2], 
  # Interrogate Bioconductor
  bioconductor_con <- curl::curl(url = '')
  bioconductor <- paste0(readLines(con = bioconductor_con, n = 200), collapse = '')
  bioconductor_pkgs <- stringr::str_match(bioconductor, 'Software\">([0-9]{1,}).*software packages.')[2]
  # Interrogate GitHub
  github_con <- curl::curl(url = '')
  github <- paste0(readLines(con = github_con, n = 1200, ), collapse = '')
  github_pkgs <- stringr::str_replace(stringr::str_match(github, '([0-9]{1,},[0-9]{1,}) repository results')[2], 
  day <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")
  result <- c(day, cran_pkgs, rforge_pkgs, bioconductor_pkgs, github_pkgs)
  names(result) <- c('date', 'CRAN', 'R-Forge', 'Bioconductor', 'GitHub')

Now, from time to time, I run the following code to update my dataset:

prev_data <- read_csv('num_pkgs_data.csv')
today <- interrogate_repos()
if (last(prev_data$date) < today[1]) {
  prev_data <- rbind(prev_data, today)
  write_csv(x = prev_data, 'num_pkgs_data.csv')

Yes, I know, I should use here, but I have a small fire extinguisher always at hand…

Now, my dataset looks like this:

## # A tibble: 10 x 5
##    date        cran rforge bioconductor github
##    <date>     <dbl>  <dbl>        <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 2011-05-17  2984    998          460     NA
##  2 2011-11-22  3429   1182          516     NA
##  3 2012-04-25  3745   1274          554     NA
##  4 2013-07-11  4689   1584          671     NA
##  5 2013-09-24  4846   1631          671     NA
##  6 2016-08-31  9066   2024         1211     NA
##  7 2017-03-22 10312   2048         1296     NA
##  8 2017-10-20 11646   2063         1383     NA
##  9 2018-11-11 13342   2086         1649     NA
## 10 2020-02-03 15330   2121         1823  28667

Data transformation

In order to do something sensible, I will transform data from wide to long format:

data <- prev_data %>% pivot_longer(cols = c(cran, rforge, bioconductor, github), names_to = 'repo') %>%
  mutate(value = as.integer(value))


Ready for plotting! I need some cool colors. On my way home from the rstudio::rconf2020, I watched Taika Waititi’s “Jojo Rabbit” movie which I found visually appealing. So, I grabbed a random screenshot from the movie and using the tool, I created two palettes based on the screenshot.

jojo1 <- c('#c0b3aa', '#2b2117', '#9a8268', '#d3a677', '#e1d0ba')
jojo2 <- c('#221c17', '#947e66', '#da9869', '#e0c6a4', '#c1b3ab')

Finally ready for plotting in the most glamorous way:)

cols <- c('bioconductor' = jojo2[2], 'cran' = jojo2[3], 'github' = jojo2[1], 'rforge' = jojo2[5])
colors = c('black', cols[2], 'black', cols[4], 'black', cols[1], 'black', cols[3], 'black')

title = glue('Log # of R packages available at',
             ' <span style="color:{cols[2]}">**CRAN**</span>,', 
             ' <span style="color:{cols[4]}">**R-Forge**</span>,',
             ' <span style="color:{cols[1]}">**Bioconductor**</span>',
             ' and',
             ' <span style="color:{cols[3]}">**GitHub**</span>',
             ' over time.')

ggplot(data, mapping = aes(x = date, y = log(value), col = repo)) + 
  geom_point(show.legend = F) + 
  geom_line(show.legend = F) + 
  geom_text_repel(aes(label = comma(value)), direction = 'y', vjust = 0.5, show.legend = F) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = cols) +
  labs(title = title, x = '', y = '') +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = '#EEEEEE', size = 0.25),
        plot.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFDF8', colour = '#FFFDF8'),
        axis.title = element_text(colour = jojo2[5]),
        axis.text = element_text(colour = jojo2[5], size = 10),
        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        plot.title = element_markdown(lineheight = 1.5, size = 12),
        plot.title.position = 'plot')

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